Shungite, pets and wildlife.

We have found over many years that all of our pets love Shungite. We have [...]

Our new garden and Shungite

We have spent the major part of last year renovating both inside and outside. We [...]

Why is there ” rust ” on my Elite Shungite?

We have been asked this question many times over the years….Why does my Elite Shungite [...]

Cleaning Shungite….Yes or No?

UPDATED! The information below from another website has since been changed and updated to the [...]

How To Cleanse Your Crystals

Many people go to great lengths to clean their homes, clothes and themselves, yet forget [...]

Shungite Polished Shapes

There are three main shapes that Shungite is made into, with a few extra variations [...]

Shungite Powder

Shungite powder has many and varied uses. These range from health and beauty to agriculture [...]

What Is A Mala?

A Mala means ‘heavenly garland’ and can be used for reflection, yoga practice, meditation or [...]

Crystal Meanings

Below and on our product pages, you will find some brief meanings for many Crystals. [...]

EMF Protection

Shungite as Electromagnetic Protection What are EMFs? An EMF (“Electromagnetic Field”) is a field of [...]