There are three main shapes that Shungite is made into, with a few extra variations as well! The most common are Pyramids, Spheres and Cubes. You can also find Eggs, Harmonizers, Tiles, Stands and Massage Wands. All of these shapes are made from Type 2 Shungite, which is easily polished and has a beautiful lustre when finished. This blog will give you an idea of the various uses of each shape.
The Shapes and their Characteristics
Shungite Pyramids are one of the 3 shapes that can be used in various ways. Pyramids emit a strong energy vibration, carrying their influences longer distances. It is because of its shape that this happens. It’s not a surprise that pyramids are our biggest seller!
The pyramid detailed below is the classic Giza pyramid shape from Egypt. We also stock “tall ” or Nubian-shaped pyramids with a much greater mass than the Giza-shaped pyramids. It is suggested that the influence range of these Nubian-shaped pyramids is about 1.5 times more than that of the Giza-shaped pyramid.
Shungite Shape and Size (mm) Influence Range (approx.)
Giza Shaped Pyramids ( Ordinary )
Pyramid 50mm 2.1-2.3 metres
Pyramid 60mm 2.5-2.7 metres
Pyramid 80mm 3.5-3.9 metres
Pyramid 100mm 5.0-5.4 metres
Spheres radiate energy in all directions and can be placed in the middle of a room to cover a greater area. Shungite Spheres bring balance and harmony to any area they are placed in. Shungite spheres are similar in shape to our vital field, so they seem to have a greater harmonising effect on our energetic body. Shungite Spheres emit a gentler and more uniform energy field, perfect for your bedroom or living areas. We suggest a 6cm Sphere beside your bed or even under your bed to bring a deep and restful sleep. Small spheres are often used as Harmonizers for meditation.
Shungite Shape and Size (mm) Influence Range (approx.)
Sphere – 40mm 2.0 metres
Sphere – 50mm 2.7 metres
Sphere – 60mm 3.6 metres
Sphere – 80mm 6.6 metres
Sphere – 100mm 12.0 metres
Cubes are often used in areas that need grounding, such as Pole Homes or homes on steep hills. They are solid and very connected to the Earth and help ground your home if needed. Placing a Shungite Cube in the corners of a room grounds the energy in that room. You can also place cubes on the four corners of your property to help with any negative energy that may be present. Their vibration is carried a shorter distance than the Sphere and Pyramid, but they are still wonderful tools. They are especially good for use on your WIFI router to help lessen the effects of harmful EMFs. They have a greater volume per size, and this seems to make them the best we have found for EMF protection.
Shungite Eggs also emit a beautiful soft energy perfect for the general harmonising of rooms such as bedrooms, etc. They are said to help us connect to the Life Force around us. You can also use these to meditate and pair them with other crystals as a Harmoniser Set.
Shungite Shape and Size (mm) Influence Range (approx.)
Egg – 40mm 2.0 metres
Egg– 50mm 2.7 metres
Egg – 60mm 3.6 metres
Egg – 80mm 6.6 metres
Egg– 100mm 12.0 metres
Shungite Harmoniser Set
These harmonizers are generally used as aids in meditation. They have been used as far back as Egyptian times. These come as one Shungite Cylinder matched with various crystals, most commonly Soapstone, but you can also find them in Selenite, Jade and Amethyst.
Meditation with Shungite
Shungite has fantastic grounding properties. Meditating with a set of Shungite Harmonisers can help restore balance to your auric field by dispersing the overactivity of the higher chakras while stimulating the lower ones. We find these absolutely wonderful to meditate with, and the feedback from our customers confirms this! You seem just to relax and let go when you hold these amazing pieces. Try them and let us know what you think!
Shungite tiles
Shungite Tiles are either square or oblong and are great to use for various things, from EMF protection to helping to keep your fruit/vegetables fresher for longer in your fridge. We even use one in our cars to help with EMF emissions. They are a very versatile shape.
Shungite Stands
Since Shungite never needs to be cleaned and doesn’t take on any negativity, using a Shungite stand for your Crystals is a brilliant way to keep them clean and balanced. You can place them on the stand for a period of time or use it permanently; it’s up to you.
Shungite Massage Wands
Therapists use shungite massage wands in their practices to help with either Energetic work or bodywork. Once again, the balancing effects of Shungite can greatly enhance their work. As Shungite does not need cleansing, this is also beneficial.
Platonic Solids
Platonic Solids are shapes that form part of Sacred Geometry. They were first catalogued by the ancient philosopher Plato (hence their name). However, evidence of these most magical shapes has been found around the world for more than 1,000 years before Plato’s documentation.
They are made up of the ‘Five Convex Regular Polyhedra’: a Hexahedron (cube), the Octahedron (double inverted pyramid), a Tetrahedron (pyramid), an Icosahedron and a Dodecahedron. The names are derived from the number of sides each shape has: 4, 6, 8, 12, and 20 respectively.
The first four shapes correspond with the elements: earth (hexahedron), air (octahedron), fire (tetrahedron) and water (Icosahedron), with the fifth, dodecahedron, representing heaven, ether or the Universe.
The shapes that form the five original Platonic Solids occur naturally in nature and, indeed, in the crystal world. Working with them individually is said to help with our connection to nature and the higher realms of the cosmos, to find the common pattern that links us all at a molecular as well as at a spiritual level.
Different Uses for Different Shapes
WiFi Routers
We use a small cube to help harmonise EMFs emitting from our router. We determined where the internal antennae were and then placed the cube on top of it. By testing with an EMF detector, we saw a huge difference in the emissions. This happens without any loss of WIFI network usability.
Electrical Meter Boxes and Smart Meters
Another area of your home that can have EMF emissions quite strongly. You can place a pyramid or a cube inside the box to help harmonise this area.
Cordless Phones
Cordless phones emit very high EMF pollution. Shungite can be very effective in balancing this. The base that your phone sits on is the worst area, so a Shungite Tile is perfect to use. Place your stand and phone on a tile to harmonise the emissions.
Shungite shapes are versatile and very useful tools in your home. We have them placed in most rooms around our home and find them very effective in keeping the space harmonious.
We hope you have found this article useful and that you can begin to use Shungite shapes to bring balance and harmony to your home. You can also place them in and around your home as ornaments or to bring beauty to any area!
All ranges are based on the objects being placed in a “neutral” area. If the Shungite is placed in an area of disturbance, the emanation will be reduced slightly. The above tables are from the book “Shungite: Protection, Healing, and Detoxification” by Regina Martino.
The Team @ The Shungite Experience
Related Tags: Shungite Crystal