Shungite Tiles – How to Use Them.

Etched Shungite Tile

Are you looking for a way to enhance the energy and feel of your home while mitigating the harmful impact of EMFs we are exposed to daily? Look no further than Shungite Tiles! These tiles are a fantastic addition to any home and can be used in various ways to impact your living space positively. Don’t wait any longer to experience the benefits of Shungite Tiles. With these powerful and effective tiles, start building a safer and healthier living space for you and your loved ones today.


Shungite tiles can be used in your home for various purposes, including their potential benefits for energy protection, aesthetics, and general well-being. Here’s how you can use shungite tiles in your home:


Decorative Tiles: Flower Of Life Stand

    • Shungite tiles can be used as decorative elements in your home. You can install them on walls, countertops, or even as flooring to add a unique, natural, and visually appealing touch to your interior design. The large tiles can also be used to make Shungite Rooms. There are Shungite rooms in both Russia and France. You can add these to the whole room or one wall or floor.


Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Protection:

    • Shungite can help protect against electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices like smartphones. You can place shungite tiles near these devices or in areas where you spend a lot of time, potentially reducing your exposure to EMFs. We don’t recommend using them for protection with WiFi routers as they are not substantial enough to mitigate the EMFs they produce. We always recommend a Cube as they are solid and have much more volume; see here: These are also very effective to use in your car. The modern car is full of EMFs from the many computer parts that are now used in them; you can read our article here:


Water Purification: Glass of Water

    • Shungite is known for its water-purifying properties. While we usually suggest making Shungite water with our Next Generation Shungite Powder or Elite pieces, you can also place shungite tiles on your countertop and add your pitcher or glass to them – this has been said to help energetically infuse drinking water with shungite’s potential purifying benefits.



Meditation and Energy Work: Shungite Energy MATe

    • Incorporate Shungite tiles into your home to create a dedicated meditation or energy workspace. Place them under a meditation cushion or yoga mat to enhance your practice’s grounding and protective aspects.



Incorporate Shungite Art:

    • If you’re artistically inclined or appreciate unique home decor, consider creating or purchasing shungite art pieces using shungite tiles. These can be framed or displayed in various parts of your home to add aesthetic appeal.


Create Shungite Coasters: Polished Stand/Tile

    • Use Shungite tiles as coasters to protect your surfaces. The presence of shungite may also be seen as a subtle way to introduce its potential energy-balancing properties into your home environment.


Place in Bedrooms and High-Usage Areas:

    • Install Shungite tiles in bedrooms, living rooms, or other high-traffic areas where you spend a lot of time. We believe that Shungite can promote better sleep and well-being.


Combine with Other Crystals and Stones: Quartz Crystals

    • If you work with crystals or stones for energy healing or meditation, you can integrate Shungite tiles into crystal grids or layouts to potentially enhance their properties.


Cleaning and Maintenance:

    • Shungite tiles may require occasional cleaning to maintain their appearance and potential benefits. Wipe them down with a damp cloth or mild cleaning solution as needed. Be careful not to scratch the tiles during cleaning.

You can find our Tiles here.

People use Shungite for its potential energy-balancing and protective properties, but individual experiences may vary. If you have specific concerns or health conditions, it’s essential to consult with experts or healthcare professionals before relying on Shungite for any specific purpose.

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