Shungite and Meditation

We suggest using Shungite alongside a trusted Meditation practice. Shungite can be used in meditation and energy work practices by anyone who believes it has energetic properties. Many value incorporating Shungite into their meditation routines for its potential and symbolic benefits. Below are some ideas on how Shungite can be used in meditation:

Meditation is an umbrella term for various practices that cultivate a calm, concentrated, and absorbed mind. “Meditation” can describe both a practice and a state and derives from the Latin meditate, which means ‘to reflect upon’. The wide variety of meditation practices derives from their different aims, which can be therapeutic, developmental or spiritual and the different objects one can meditate on. These include breath awareness, visualisation (creative imagination and visual objects), mantra (including music and natural sounds), physical sensations and inner feelings, movement (including yoga, tai chi and dance), contemplation (including prayer, affirmation, quiescent introspection and reflection), stillness, mindfulness (sati), insight meditation (vipassana), and choiceless awareness (open monitoring). ( Meditation Association Australia )

  • Personal Intentions: 

Personal intentions and beliefs play a significant role in meditation. People often use Shungite with specific intentions in mind. These intentions may include grounding, protection, purification, balancing energy, or enhancing spiritual growth. You can set your intention for how you want to work with Shungite during meditation.

  • Using Shungite Stones:  moon phases Harmoniser Set

Many individuals place Shungite stones or Shungite pyramids near their meditation space or hold them in their hands during meditation. The tactile presence of Shungite can serve as a focal point for concentration and help create a sense of connection to the Earth’s energy, as Shungite is believed to have grounding properties.

  • Energy Clearing: 

Shungite is sometimes used for energy clearing in meditation. During meditation, people may visualize negative energies or stress being absorbed or neutralized by the Shungite, allowing them to release and let go of these energies.

  • Chakra Work: Shungite Energy MATe

Shungite is associated with specific chakras in some energy work practices. For example, it may be used in meditation to balance or activate the root chakra (the base chakra), which is associated with grounding and stability.

  • Protection: 

Some individuals meditate on Shungite to protect against negative energies or electromagnetic radiation (EMF). They may visualize a protective energy field generated by the Shungite.

  • Symbolism: flowers

Shungite may also hold symbolic meaning for some meditators. It can represent a connection to nature, Earth energy, and ancient wisdom.

  • Mindfulness:

Shungite can serve as a tool to cultivate mindfulness during meditation. By focusing on the physical properties and presence of the Shungite, individuals can enhance their awareness and presence at the moment.

If you want to use Shungite in your meditation practice, incorporate it according to your own intentions and beliefs.
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