A typical conversation on EMF protection:
Customer: How do I know Shungite is blocking EMFs? It’s not showing on my Meter; it must be a fake!!!! 
Me: That’s because Shungite doesn’t ” block ” EMFs ( if it did, you wouldn’t be able to use your mobile phone or computer). Shungite changes the quality of the energy field coming through your device into a less harmful waveform. This allows our bodies to be close to these fields but not be affected as much as we would typically be.
We understand that there are a myriad of EXPERTS telling you to check your Shungite with a meter. They even show you how their Shungite is very effective in BLOCKING EMFs. They don’t show you or tell you that if you move that Shungite to the side or out of the direct path of the meter, it doesn’t block the emfs; it can’t, and nothing can!
I know, I know. I’m going against famous people with thousands of followers on YouTube and Instagram, but I can’t say something I don’t know is true. Science shows this. Science doesn’t show how Shungite changes the negative waveforms into more harmonious ones. This is why Shungite helps with EMFs—not blocking them but changing them!
I understand how confused people can be over this, especially when some retailers say that Shungite ( or anything else) can block EMFs.
I have been asked ( a lot ) lately why Shungite doesn’t block EMFs. It is a typical misconception that some people want to push, and it isn’t very clear for someone who has just started working with Shungite. Shungite can’t block these waveforms. It can’t do so. Shungite can help transform man-made negative waveforms into a more bio-compatible waveform that won’t harm your body. This is something we have always said. However, it gets confusing when people try to use an EMF meter to test Shungite. Shungite is working on the ” Energetic Field “, as Regina Martino wrote in her excellent book – Shungite: Protection, Healing and Detoxification.
See below for an excerpt.
” As we have already seen, modifying the influence of electromagnetic radiation is something Shungite knows how to do very well, and much better than other stones because Shungite does not become saturated, does not take on a negative charge, and powerfully keeps on transforming the radiation into biocompatible elements (right torsion fields). Detailed information on the Shungite tests with radiation can be found in Appendix 1. For example, suppose we use a detection device to measure the emission field of a Wi-Fi hot spot protected with a Shungite plate. In that case, we will quite happily still find the Wi-Fi signal connecting two devices wirelessly with its waves. What changes and is not revealed by the detection device is the subtle quality of the emanation, the biocompatibility of the waves with your energy when there is a Shungite plate and the fact that the emanation is negative when the plate is not there. ” and also –
”we apply the protective influence to the harmful source, which corrects and transforms the electromagnetic waves into biocompatible emanations. In the case of pulsed electromagnetic waves ( Wi-Fi, cordless phones, and cell phones), the corrected influence emanates with the same strength as the original, harmful source but in a biocompatible and positive way.”
Shungite is believed to be able to do this because of its structure, particularly the naturally occurring Fullerenes it contains.
Regina perfectly explains it in a way that is easy to understand and work with.
Here is a quote from a Lecturer at one of our largest Universities –
A senior lecturer in medical radiation at RMIT University in Melbourne said that radiation travels in all directions from a source.
“One small pendant can absorb only a very small number of waves that fall on the surface area of the pendant.”
They added that if the pendant could work as claimed, it would absorb other forms of electromagnetic radiation from the house – rendering microwaves, TV receivers and mobile phones useless.
While I don’t agree with much of what is said in this Article, I agree with this statement. The energetic changes that occur are missing; unfortunately, Science doesn’t study these.
People who are Electro Sensitive can feel these changes. People who aren’t ( like me ) learn to trust. I have been working with Shungite since 2013 and know it has a calming influence on our environment and bodies. We always tell people to research before purchasing from us ( or any other retailer ). You have to know what you are buying and how it works; that way, you will feel comfortable and relaxed knowing that Shungite is doing its job by changing the subtle qualities of the emanations to be more biocompatible with your body! It is an amazing Stone! We are so lucky to have been working with it for so long.
We understand that this might not be what you want to read or accept, which is perfectly ok with us! You can choose your Shungite from anywhere and believe whoever you want. We say the above to inform, not to push our point of view.
We hope this can help you on your journey with Shungite. We believe in it completely and know it can help the world and its people lead a more balanced and harmonious life.
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