Hi lovely readers! We have been directed to a fantastic site ( by one of our amazing customers, thanks, Rebecca! ) that allows you to check your address and see where 5G Towers are located near you. You can also subscribe to see when new towers are going in. We found this such a helpful site, and maybe you will too. We have over 200 within a 20 km radius of our home. The closest one is less than 1 km away. I’m so glad we have our Shungite to help!
Here is the link to them – www.rfnsa.com.au
Here is a link to some older information on our website before the rollout of these towers – here
Here is another link to a website that provides really useful information on EMF protection. While they don’t recommend Shungite tey do have some wonderful information – https://emfempowerment.com
Precisely what is 5G technology?
5G works by using higher frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum. The frequencies range from 3.5 gigahertz (GHz) to several tens of GHz.
Before 5G was launched, these higher frequencies weren’t used in mobile networks. They are typically used in devices like security scanners.
It’s worth noting that electromagnetic frequencies are produced by anything that uses electricity. This includes:
- microwaves
- power lines
- computers
5G also uses a method called beamforming, which sends data directly to devices. This is different from previous generations, which sent signals in all directions.
Does 5G technology have any effects on health?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO)Trusted Source, there is limited research on the frequencies used in 5G.
More research is on the health effects of electromagnetic fields across the spectrum. However, the results are inconsistent.
To date, EMFs have been potentially associated with the following:
Tissue heating
A small 2017 studyTrusted Source, showed that mobile phones use frequencies of 1.8 to 2.2 GHz. These frequencies cause tissue heating, according to WHO.
Tissue heating occurs when your skin absorbs electromagnetic energy. This causes a slight rise in temperature in your brain and body.
A 2021 study by Trusted Source also found that people experience more EMF-related tissue heating as they age. Plus, the higher the EMFs, the more they absorb. Older individuals tend to have reduced skin thickness and blood flow.
However, tissue heating is considered to be short-term and minimal. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) also states that the public is exposed to very low EMF frequencies. These levels are too low to cause considerable tissue heating.
More research is necessary to determine how 5G explicitly affects human tissue.
Cognitive function
The effects of 5G exposure on cognitive function have not been studied yet.
There’s some research involving EMFs from other sources. In a small 2017 studyTrusted Source, researchers examined how using a mobile phone affects cognitive function. The researchers found that using a mobile phone for at least 90 minutes daily is associated with attention difficulties.
A small 2018 research review found conflicting evidence. The researchers examined 43 studies regarding EMFs and cognitive function. They concluded that there is no solid link between EMFs and cognitive concerns.
In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) stated EMFs are “possibly carcinogenic” to humans. Thirty scientists from 14 countries determined the classification.
Most studies have examined the potential link between EMFs and brain cancer. But the results have been inconsistent.
For example, a 2017 research review found that EMF radiation from mobile phones is associated with glioma, a type of brain cancer. A 2018 study, on the other hand, did not find a clear association between high-frequency EMFs and brain tumours.
Again, more studies are needed to determine if 5G frequency can contribute to cancer development.
The IARC, which classified EMFs as “possibly carcinogenic,” is part of WHO. But WHO is completing its separate health assessment of EMFsTrusted Source.
The International EMF ProjectTrusted Source manages the assessment. WHO established the International EMF project in 1996.
Dr Lennart Hardell, an oncologist in Sweden, spoke out against the EMF project. In a 2017 research review trusted Source, Hardell stated that five of the six members of EMF’s core group are affiliated with the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
According to Hardell, this is a conflict of interest. He also states that many members of ICNIRP are affiliated with industries that use wireless networks.
Information from the website link here
Smart Cities :
A smart city is a technologically modern urban area that uses electronic methods and sensors to collect specific data. The information gained from that data is used to manage assets, resources and services efficiently; that data is used to improve operations across the city.[1] This includes data collected from citizens, devices, buildings and assets that is processed and analyzed to monitor and manage traffic and transportation systems, power plants, utilities, water supply networks, waste, Criminal investigations,[2] information systems, schools, libraries, hospitals, and other community services.[3][4] Smart cities are defined as smart both in how their government harness technology and in how they monitor, analyze, plan, and govern the city.[5] In smart cities, the sharing of data is not limited to the city itself but also includes businesses, citizens and other third parties that can benefit from various uses of that data. Sharing data from different systems and sectors creates opportunities for increased understanding and economic benefits.[6]
The smart city concept integrates information and communication technology (‘ICT’), and various physical devices connected to the Internet of things (‘IoT’) network to optimize the efficiency of city operations and services and connect to citizens.[7][8] Smart city technology allows city officials to interact directly with the community and city infrastructure and monitor what is happening in the city and how the city is evolving. ICT enhances urban services’ quality, performance and interactivity, reduces costs and resource consumption and increases contact between citizens and government.[9]Smart city applications are developed to manage urban flows and allow real-time responses.[10] A smart city may therefore be more prepared to respond to challenges than one with a conventional “transactional” relationship with its citizens.[11][12] Yet, the term remains unclear in its specifics and is open to many interpretations.[13] Many cities have already adopted some smart city technology.
credit to Wikipedia for the above information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_city
The other side of the story :
A smart city is, inherently, a surveillance city, and citizens’ privacy could potentially be the cost of the efficiency gains.
Could it be worth the trade-off?
A mass of sensors and systems monitor a city’s infrastructure, operations and activities and aim to help it run more efficiently. For example, the city could use less electricity; its traffic run more smoothly with fewer delays; its citizens use the city with more safety; hazards can be dealt with faster; citizen infractions of rules can be prevented, and the city’s infrastructure; power distribution and roads with traffic lights for example, dynamically adjusted to respond to differing circumstances.
These things are good for system administrators in their work and sound in the generality for citizens, who should see their city working better for them. Please read more from this article here –
So where to from here?
The above information comes from various sources and in no way reflects all of our personal beliefs; it’s purely for guidance, and we suggest you do your research to determine how to best live with 5G as it seems to be here to stay at the moment. There are many great sites and much information available to us to help, but our main suggestion is to stay aware of what is happening in our World.
Thanks for reading,