This was the first Article we wrote on our new Website in 2017. Shungite is so much more popular than it was back then! There are more Suppliers, both in Russia and Australia, some good and some average. We revisited this today and wanted to see if we could add anything. The book we quote below is still the best written on Shungite. We use it as a reference regularly. The Scientific Studies being carried out around the world generally, we believe, confirm Regina Martino’s work.
There is so much information out there in Shungite Land. Some are correct, and some are a bit dodgy. We like to look to the experts in the field and people with many years of experience to guide us on this journey. Although we have been working with Shungite for over ten years, there is still much to learn, and more and more studies are being carried out on this amazing stone. Below is a small excerpt from our favourite Author on Shungite. We hope you enjoy it.
“Shungite: Protection, Healing and Detoxification ” by Regina Martino
“All Russian studies on using shungite for therapeutic purposes have demonstrated its effectiveness and ability to stimulate immune system defences and reactivate healing processes.
From our nonmedical viewpoint, we are interested in applying shungite to well-being. This mineral has no negative effect in its natural state and in whatever form. It is, therefore, ideal for usage without precise therapeutic control. However, as with any solution linked to well-being, the use of shungite never replaces the advice of a medical doctor when faced with any particular pathology.
The advantage of using shungite is that it never conflicts with other therapies, even those that depend on medication, because it acts on the base of our energetic body and supports all efforts taken to reestablish balance and health.”
In her book Regina Martino also states in regards to EMFs …..”we apply the protective influence to the harmful source and this corrects and transforms the electromagnetic waves into biocompatible emanations. In the case of pulsed electromagnetic waves ( Wi-Fi, cordless phones, and cell phones) the corrected influence emanates with the same strength as the original, harmful source but in a biocompatible and positive way.”
Shungite is believed to be able to do this because of its structure, in particular the naturally occurring Fullerenes that it contains. You can read more about Fullerenes here.
Shungite Rooms in Russia.
Long experience using shungite, its healing properties and high effect of protection from electromagnetic radiation, allowed the creation of shungite rooms, mostly in Russia, for adaptation and psycho-emotional correction for adults and children. Recovery is the main effect of the shungite room.
Staying in such a room enhances the overall vitality and body resistance and improves the work efficiency of healthy individuals. This allows the use of shungite rooms for physical and psychological rehabilitation and non-medical recovery of human beings. Shungite room can also correct the energy bio-field of a person.
Such shungite rooms are constructed in St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy, in Petrozavodsk, in the spa centre “White Springs”, in the office of the company “Pritsero P” in Moscow, in Saratov. There is also a shungite room in the prison, “Matrosskaya Tishina”, where the guards visit this room for 20-30 minutes to relieve fatigue after the shifts.
The shungite room constructed in Beslan School No.1 in 2006 has shown amazing results. It became a unique generator of life force to those who have survived the well-known Beslan tragedy (the seizure of children in this school by terrorists in 2004). The smiles of children, their colourful drawings that symbolize good and friendship, sunshine and flowers, and the improvement of the emotional status of teachers and parents of children who have experienced this tragedy are the best evidence of the surprising properties of shungite, the “stone-comforter”, as it is known here.
We hope you enjoyed this short read; if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at –