Pyramids are the preferred shape to counteract EM fields. The shape of pyramids is believed to take vibrational energies and amplify them, making pyramids a very powerful shape. These taller pyramids have a stronger effect because of their shape. They push the energy upwards and outwards in a stronger form.
Shungite clears the energies of the entire body and opens one to receive Spiritual Light. Shungite also operates on the molecular level, freeing us from the bondage of negative patterns and energies. Shungite is a stone of Truth; it dispels one’s self-harming or self-defeating habitual patterns. Shungite is wonderful for cleansing and purification, too. Shungite also offers an aura of psychic protection, primarily because of the energetic alignment it facilitates……..Read More About Metaphysical Crystal Meanings
This extra-large, tall, polished pyramid is perfect for open-plan areas or larger rooms.
Size: 100mm x 100mm x 200mm- Weight: 1.3 kilograms approx. – Action radius: 15m
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