Peel the backing paper off the back of the Shungite plate and place it on the back of the mobile phone or inside the case. They can also be used on cordless phones.
Suitable for all mobile phones, including all smartphones. As this is a passive product, there is no impact on the long-term functionality of the device or the service.
Scientific research and experiments have shown that placing Shungite close to your cell phone, laptops, computers and other electronic sources significantly weakens the impact of electromagnetic radiation on the body.
Shungite is said to balance and harmonize negative EMF energies, making them more biocompatible to the human form.
Phone plates, along with most other Shungite products, can have veins of Pyrite running through them. These may be mistaken for scratches, but they are not. These are naturally occurring and are not a fault.
Measures approx 20mm round
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