
Suitable for all mobile phones including all smartphones.  As this is a passive product, there is no impact on the long term functionality of the device or the service.


Shungite is unique among minerals for its gentle, protective properties. In today’s world, the human biofield can be exposed to much EMF radiation. Electromagnetic radiation exposure around various appliances such as microwave ovens, Wi-Fi routers, computers and virtually all electrical devices, both inside and outside the home, can directly affect our health. Wearing Shungite can help to harmonise your exposure. Because Shungite is diamagnetic, it can reflect harmful electromagnetic radiation; this unique mineral reduces the risk of biofield deformation, helping to enhance your health and well-being and return your biofield to a normal state.

To keep your Shungite product looking its best, we recommend using warm, soapy water to clean it and then leaving it in the sun for a few hours to dry out completely.  As Shungite never takes on a negative charge, nothing else is required, making it an easy-care product.

Our Shungite is sourced directly from Karelia in Russia. We test each piece for its authenticity and can, therefore, GUARANTEE that it is genuine. We have been importing genuine Shungite for over ten years. We have always been the largest supplier of genuine Shungite in Australia!

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