Elite is the scarcest form of Shungite & accounts for around 1% of all Shungite. It contains a higher quantity of Fullerenes per mass than type 2 Shungite. It is 98-99% carbon compared with around 70% carbon for type 2 Shungite.
Elite is the most beautiful type of Shungite. It does not lend itself to being polished or shaped so is always kept in the raw form in which it is found. Each piece is unique and will be characterised by a shiny semi-metallic look often highlighted with conchoidal patterns.
Another common feature of Elite is Ochre coloured inclusions. These are Jarosite, a basic sulphate of iron formed from the oxidation of Pyrite. Elite is sometimes called crystallised Shungite because of its naturally faceted appearance but this term is incorrect since Shungite is an amorphous mineral and never crystallises into any geometrical shapes.
Shungite is a stone of balance and harmony……….Read More About Metaphysical Crystal Meanings
Sold per piece.
Due to the nature of Elite, size and shape will vary but all pieces will be within the weight category and of the highest grade.
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